Jujupig! - A New-Superb Addictive Mobile Game App Emanates AppStore and Google Play

by - September 24, 2018

The Chase of Apple sets to the Apple and Google store platforms last August 2018 and having a hits around the world. A paid app that cost just only $1.99 and enjoy the game for the rest of your life.


Okay… What is new about this game? Delighting the 3D Graphics of the game and having a unique gameplay that entertains you and makes you play for hours. The game is SERIOUSLY challenging and a lot of twists. There is an increasing level, and as you play longer, the game increases its speed and harder to beat the High scores. Yes! There are also high scores and you can compete with your friends! Challenge yourself to be the #1 seed!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jrpN6YRvkw?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=https://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=540&h=405]

How to score in this game? COLLECT THE JUJUCOINS! The game will convert 1 coin to 1 score. That means, the more coins you get, and the higher you score.

But… how do you get a High score easily? Here are tips in order to pursue the #1 seed in the high score. From the game, if you see an Apple, fetch them right away because these will give you Power-Ups! It will give you extra efforts to collect the coins and make it to the top. Collect coins as much as you can so you can also upgrade these Power-Ups and make it easier and less likely to be eaten by a Greedy Fox.

Greedy Fox is like the antagonist in every movie, theater etc. A villain that always behind of every superhero that take them down. Here in this game, the fox colonizes the Jujuland, take all the coins and treasures, and also, he is right after all of the Flying Pigs, or who we call as Jujupigs.

Jujupigs were trying to defend their land by securing all of the coins and apples are safe in their hands. We need to help them collect the coins and not be eaten by a Fox.

Jujupig have also a good news to all players! Ancient Stones were collected by a collector and we must trade coins or charms in order to get them through a Premium Roulette! These stone would awaken the Three Ancient Jujupigs that can collect faster and safer than the normal Jujupigs. GET the 3 of them quick!

I recommend you to play this game! It’s very addictive game and your boredom will fly away!

These are the links for an easy access:

For Android users, download it on Google Play:


For iPhone users, download it on Appstore:




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